City Contact is a local provider of quality travel services that respect today's visitors while focusing on the vast natural and cultural heritage of Greece. It was established in 1996 and its principal goal is to promote internationally the best aspects of Greece today, through extraordinary experiences and useful information.
Maps & Guides is the only service in Greece that offers an organized distribution of informative tourist brochures (Guides, Maps and other printed matter) across a network of hundreds of delivery points (hotels, museums, Airbnb, restaurants etc.) with exclusive cooperation agreements in the most popular tourist destinations in Greece.
We place Info Stands at these points so that tourists can elect on their own initiative which brochures and maps they wish to be informed by.
We are the only Greek member of Visitor International, the global organization of travel distribution companies around the planet.
Athens Walking Tours offers unique historical, cultural, and gastronomical experiences, giving Athens visitors the exciting opportunity to learn not only about the city’s amazing history but also about its present, equally interesting, cultural profile.
The tours are organized exclusively in small groups by our licenced, and highly experienced guides.
Tornos News is an accurate and reliable online media source of news and information for executives and professionals involved in Greek tourism worldwide.
An experienced team of journalists informs and inspires readers about the latest developments in the Greek tourism scene.